A Brief Overview of Illustrator
Illustrator is a program used to create vector based art. A vector is a quantity that has magnitude and direction and that is commonly represented by a directed line segment whose length represents the magnitude and whose orientation in space represents the direction. I know that definition sounded extremely complicated, but the basic idea is that vector graphics use mathematical calculations to create art. Don’t worry, I didn’t really understand it at first either, but I promise it’ll make more sense once you keep reading. In vector art, the computer uses a system of math to make sure artwork stays sharp and clear no matter how large you scale it. The technique used to create artwork is very similar to the way you would create artwork in Photoshop. Although vector art is created using a mathematical algorithm, the user doesn’t need to know or really understand that algorithm. The computer takes care of all the hard work and does all the math for you. If you have a digital draw...