5 Photoshop Tricks for Beginners
Photoshop is a vast program, packed with all kinds of sophisticated tools and functions to keep the professional photography world turning. From a blemish removal to adding some impressive design elements, anyone can learn the basics of photos edit . There are some quick and easy tips you can take advantage of to improve your Photoshop experience. Here are some of favorite simple tips and tricks for Photoshop beginner. Change the size of an image, rotate, flip or distort Click Edit > then click Transform > and select the action you desire. Or try these shortcuts to make life even easier: Press Ctrl + T on your keyboard and a bounding box will then appear around the image, indicating transformation. This means you can now resize your image. The best way to do so is by placing the cursor on one of the rectangle corners of the box and then dragging the corner while holding the Shift key. When you’re finished just press Enter and you’re done. To flip your image v...